The first symptoms of hair loss begin to be seen in the shower, on the comb or on the pillow. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that alopecia occurs due to certain systematic diseases, stress or nutritional deficiencies.
The person who wants to undergo a hair transplant must take into account that depending on certain characteristics such as age, sex, race, hair type… the results can vary significantly from one patient to another.
The reconstruction of the frontal line is a specialty within hair surgery, which pursues a natural appearance taking into account the type of baldness, the age and the shape and type of the patient’s head.
The front line must have a natural appearance, so that the reconstruction of this area is done correctly, the hair must be placed at an angle of up to 60 degrees, this angle decreases on the sides. The type of hair that should be placed in this area is high density so that it gives a sensation of hair with volume and units of a single hair should be placed, as we move away from this area the units are 2, 3 and 4 hairs.
It is important to go to a dermatologist or trichologist to rule out or confirm different pathologies that have to do with our alopecia.
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Alopecia can be combated with medication, therefore, it is important that important decisions are made during the first symptoms.
Dr. Felicidad Espinosa Hair Surgeon